I got my first camera when I was 16 and was immediately obsessed. I took it with me everywhere and photographed everything. It didn't take me very long to know it was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. After 10 years photography experience, a BFA in Fine Art photography, and 5 years in the wedding industry I returned to my photography roots by capturing what daily life looks like in the beautiful place I live, south Orange County.

It was my kick-ass relator mother-in-law who told me that home buyers + relators could really benefit from these kind of images. They help buyers envision what their life could look like not just in the home but the community too. And in turn this can help relators show the full potential of their listings.

When I'm not photographing communities in south Orange county, I'm shooting for Cheers Babe Photo and Christa Norman Photography, creating fine art orginals at Christa Norman Studio or reading a good book at the beach.


About Christa